Green Politics..Facing the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
The Green movement was started in the early 1970's out of the enviornmental and peace movements of the time. It was thought that the enviornment and the welfare of people are intimately related. The problems of the enviornment cannot be resolved without solving the problems of the human condition. Out of this dilemma, the Green movement was started.
The Iowa Green Party is part of the global movement of Green Party activists seeking social, economic, and political transformation. Green Parties around the world are committed to the "Four Pillars" of social justice, grassroots democracy, non-violence, and ecology. Green Parties have elected members to office in more than 70 countries and in communities around the United States.
The Iowa Green Party was established in March of 1998. By receiving 2% of statewide vote for presidential candidate Ralph Nader in the presidential elections of 2000, The Iowa Green Party became an official political party in the state of Iowa in February 2001. The I.A.G.P. currently has working committees in agriculture, energy, health, and peace / social Issues.
Tim Harthan seeks to uphold ten key values in office:
Respect for Diversity: |
We must honor the biological diversity of the Earth and the cultural, sexual, and spirtual diversity of the Earth's people. |
Gender Equality: |
The ethics of cooperation and understanding must replace the values of domination and control. |
Social Justice: |
The worldwide growth of poverty and injustice is unacceptable. All must be able to fulfill their potential, regardless of gender, race, citizenship, sexual preference, or ability. |
Grassroots Democracy: |
The powerless suffer the most from resource exhaustion and toxic pollution. All citizens must be able to directly participate in the enviornmental, economic, and political decisions which affect their lives. |
Community Based Economics: |
The economy must provide for the people within the natural limits of the Earth rather than people providing for the economy. Local self-reliance to the greatest practical extent is the best way to achieve this goal. |
Decentralization: |
Power and responsibility must be returned to the local communities within an overall context of ecologically sound and socially just values and lifestyles. |
Ecological Wisdom: |
The Earth sustains all life forms. Whatever we do in the web of life, we do to ourselves. |
Non-Violence: |
Violence is morally wrong and ultimately a self-defeating way to resolve disputes. We must work to end war in all of it's forms, forever. |
Personal and Global Responsibility: |
Global sustainability and international justice are based on political solidarity and personal lifestyles of living lightly on the Earth.. |
Future Focus and Sustainability: |
We must seek a society that will look after the needs of the seventh generation as much as our own. |